PlayStation Studio. / game creator
An at-home personal culture game creator. Laser-cut out physical DIY games in rough materials for all levels of gamers & learners to taste on histories around the world.
League of Night. / night life system
League of Night. / night life system
A night CoLiving system, which aims to promoting night identity and confidence by building up night life community.
League of Night. / night life system
Salomon Arcaxon. / outdoor backpack
A foldable backpack designed for motorbike traveller. Inpired by France city Bordeaux, Arcaxon uses the local elements to fill in backpack CMF designs.
League of Night. / night life system
Nike URX - 1. / NIKE · APEX shoe
A training shoes for ALGS competitions topics. This shoes design take inspiration from Apex Legends characters and aiming for design with each legend.
League of Night. / night life system
A summary of 12+ creative ideas from Frido’s great TDS class: Creative Strategies in ArtCenter Collge of Deisgn.
Creative Strategies